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Friday, June 27, 2008


The full version of MobileMaths program is the most powerful mathematical tool for mobile.
The software is must-have for students, engineers and researchers.
MobileMaths program includes a lot of applications with a large of features.
The famous mobilemaths is designed in order to fullfill the needs of every one(student, engineer, researcher... .).
By using mobilemaths you can make your handset as home computer and will get substantially all of the computing capabilities desired by a large fraction of the public.
All the calculations made by mobilemaths are very accurate.
The program is proposed for mobile phones running java (MIDP 2.0, cldcSupported)
functionssqrt(x): is the root square of x
sin(x): is the sine of x
cos(x): is the cosine of x
tan(x): is the tangent of x
arcsin(x): is the arc sine of x
arccos(x): is the arc cosine of x
arctan(x): is the arc tangent of x
sinh(x): is the hyperbolic sine of x
cosh(x): is the hyperbolic cosine of x
tanh(x): is the heperbolic tangent of x
exp(x),: is the exponnantial of x
log(x): is the decimal logarithm of x
ln(x): is the neperial logarithm of x
fact(n): is the factorial of x
abs(x): is the absolute value of x
int(x): is the integer’s part of x
frac(x):is the decimal’s part of x

Status : MUST HAVE!!!

Download here

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